The ESG Initiative presents an update to the POLCON dataset

Stock photo of an assortment of countries' flags blowing in the wind on a sunny day

The Wharton Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Initiative is proud to present an update to the POLCON (POLitical CONstraint) dataset, including new data through the end of the year 2020. The POLCON measure, developed by Vice Dean and Faculty Director of the ESG Initiative Witold Henisz, is a quantitative measure of institutional constraints that uses a spatial model of political interaction and measures the feasibility of a change in policy given the structure of a nation’s political institutions.Read More

The impact of board diversity on firms and the experience of Indigenous board members

Four people in suits gathered around table looking at laptops and passing documents

In Board Diversity: Literature Review and the Indigenous Experience, authors Gauri Subramania and Kalie Wertz summarize the robust literature studying the drivers and implications of board diversity on firms and share a case study constructed through interviews with 11 Indigenous-identifying individuals with board experience.Read More