Zicklin Center for Governance & Business Ethics

The ESG Initiative at the Wharton School
The Zicklin Center sponsors and disseminates leading research on critical topics in business ethics. It provides students, educators, business leaders, and policymakers with research to meet the ethical, governance, and compliance challenges that arise in complex business transactions.

Zicklin Center Workshops in Normative Business Ethics

Over the 2023-2024 academic year, the Zicklin Center for Governance and Business Ethics at the Wharton School will convene a regular works-in-progress series for scholars working in normative business ethics (NBE). In particular, the Series will workshop papers pursuing business ethics issues from a normative perspective, or papers in moral or political philosophy with implications for the market, distributive justice, labor relations, the role of business in society, etc.

The Series is part of an effort to foster normative business ethics in the academy and the public sphere. This particular initiative has two key objectives: First, it endeavors to provide a regular forum for scholars working on business ethics from a normative perspective. The community of such scholars is relatively small, and dispersed across numerous institutions, and there are few opportunities for these individuals to convene and share work. This Series is an effort to connect these scholars and to enrich their shared intellectual life. Second, the Series aims to be especially valuable to junior faculty and advanced graduate students, by providing them with feedback from, and opportunities to interact with, more established members of the normative business ethics community. To that end, we hope to have (at least) one junior author and one senior author at each session.

Featured Research

CPA-Guide to Corporate Political Spending

Prepared by The Center for Political Accountability in collaboration with senior executives at companies that are CPA-Zicklin Index Trendsetters, the purpose of the Guide is to help safeguard companies as they make political spending decisions in today’s charged environment. It lays out the risks and challenges that management and boards face in establishing political spending policies, making spending decisions, conducting due diligence, and meeting the expectations of stakeholders.

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CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability

The CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability depicts a strong and growing trend among S&P 500 companies that are placing restrictions on political spending, devising clear policies to govern such spending, and enhancing board oversight of public company engagement in the political process.

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When Are Organizations Punished for Organizational Misconduct? A Review and Research Agenda

Wharton Professors Mary-Hunter “Mae” McDonnell and Samir Nurmohamed review sociological and macro-organizational work that suggests punitive severity can vary with three key attributes of the organization: status, reputation, and embedded ties.

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Zicklin Bright Index

The Zicklin Bright Index (ZBI) is a ranking established in 2023 that seeks to classify companies demonstrating notable human rights awareness into tiers. Researchers evaluate corporations in a specific region based on their publicly available information, self-disclosure, and gross revenue. Importantly, the ZBI does not measure direct human rights performance but rather emphasizes transparency and disclosure practices as fundamental social goods.

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Funded Research


Corporate Responses to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

Janice Bellace, The Wharton School

The Permissibility of Blame

Vikram Bhargava, The Wharton School

Media and Corruption

Sterling Horne, The Wharton School

When Business and Conscience Collide

Amy Sepinwall, The Wharton School

Assessing the Impacts of the World Bank’s Integrity Vice Presidency Stakeholder and Partner Survey

Danielle Warren, Rutgers University

Never Audit Again: Learning About Hiring Discrimination Without Deception

Judd Kessler, The Wharton School

Dodd-Frank & International Governance

David Zaring, The Wharton School


National Security and Military Leadership: Can They Bridge the Ideological Gap on Renewable Energy?

Sarah Light, Dena Gromet, and Howard Kunreuther, The Wharton School

The Effect of Individual Differences on Responses to Corporate Social Responsibility and Irresponsibility

Danielle Warren, Rutgers University

Corporate Responses to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

Janice Bellace, The Wharton School

Intellectual Property Theft

Vikram Bhargava, The Wharton School

Identifying the Boundaries of Unlawful Collusion

Joseph Harrington, The Wharton School

Media and Corruption

Sterling Horne, The Wharton School

The World Bank Debarment Process: How much does it cost?

Vik Khanna, University of Michigan

Never Audit Again: Learning about hiring discrimination without deception

Judd Kessler, The Wharton School

Opening the Black Box of Corporate Divestiture

Patia McGrath, The Wharton School

The Dark Side of Being the Underdog: Do low expectations fuel unethical behavior at the workplace?

Samir Nurmohamed, The Wharton School

How Emotions Influence Ethical Decision Making

Maurice Schweitzer, The Wharton School

The Motivating Force of Carrot versus Stick Incentives on Prosocial Behavior

Deborah Small, The Wharton School

British Petroleum: Safety record from growth to decline

Natalya Vinokurova, The Wharton School

Clicks and Editorial Preferences in News Coverage

Pinar Yildirim, The Wharton School

When Business and Conscience Collide

Amy Sepinwall, The Wharton School

Dodd-Frank & International Governance

David Zaring, The Wharton School


Global Supply Chain: What Rights Are Audited

Janice Bellace, The Wharton School

Trust in Banks

Vikram Bhargava, The Wharton School

Encouraging Cooperation in Digital Negotiations

Livia Levine, The Wharton School

International Corporate and Individual Legal Accountability for Information Harms

Andrea Matwyshyn, The Wharton School

Penn Global Social Impact: A Partnership with the Wharton Social Impact Initiative

Diana C. Robertson, The Wharton School

Hierarchical Rank and Dissent: Implications for Unethical Behavior in Organizations

Jessica Kennedy, The Wharton School (under review)

Faultless Wrongdoing

Amy Sepinwall, The Wharton School (in progress)

Comparative Law & Regulation

David Zaring, The Wharton School


An Experiment on the Effects of Ethical Priming on Decision Making by Corporate Boards

J. Scott Armstrong, The Wharton School

Advancing on Two Fronts: ILO Fundamental Rights and the UN Global Compact

Janice R. Bellace, The Wharton School

A Public Role for Private Capital?

Nien-hê Hsieh, The Wharton School

Rethinking State-Sponsored CSR in Emerging Economies

Kathleen Simon, Amy Tang and William S. Laufer, The Wharton School

India Corporate Social Responsibility

William S. Laufer, The Wharton School

Corporate Social Responsibility – Focus on Fraud and Corporate Crime

Rucha Tatke and William S. Laufer, the Wharton School

Behavioral Business Ethics – Proposed Studies

Livia Levine, The Wharton School

Helping the Hometown Hero: Ethical Violations in the Association of Tennis Professionals

Katherine Milkman and Maurice Schweitzer, The Wharton School

Greasing Efforts to Ungrease: Designing Control Systems and Navigating Tradeoffs in Response to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Shefali Patil and Philip Tetlock, The Wharton School

Neuroscience of Risk Taking and Morality in Future Business Leaders

Diana C. Robertson, The Wharton School

Responsibility for Corporate and International Crimes

Amy Sepinwall, The Wharton School

Mission Drift in Microfinance

Tyler Wry, The Wharton School


Anti-Discrimination Legislation, Firm Behavior, and Employment Outcomes

Alexander Gelber, The Wharton School

Individual and Field-Level Determinants of Stakeholder Engagement in Gold Mining

Witold Henisz, The Wharton School

A Functional Account of Corporate Responsibility

Nien-hê Hsieh, The Wharton School

Corporations and Citizenship

Nien-hê Hsieh and Amy Sepinwall, The Wharton School

Diversion of US Aid in Africa

William S. Laufer, The Wharton School

Behavioral Business Ethics

Livia Levine, The Wharton School

Measuring Discrimination Using the Lost Letter Technique

Katherine L. Milkman, The Wharton School

Affective Consequences of Unethical Behavior

Maurice Schweitzer, The Wharton School

The Neural Correlates of Risk Taking and Personality in MBA Students

Diana Robertson, The Wharton School


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Ethical Public Policy Decisions when Decision-Makers Make Mistakes

Alexander Gelber, The Wharton School

Development of a Business Ethics Curriculum in Russia

Philip M. Nichols, The Wharton School

Harmonization of Anti-Corruption Efforts Across Multilateral Development Banks

Galit Sarfaty, The Wharton School

Best Practices in Teaching Business Ethics: Views From the Trenches

Mark Schwartz, The Wharton School

Corporations and the First Amendment

Amy Sepinwall, The Wharton School

Moral Dilemmas Across the Professional Ethics Scholarly Literature

Alan Strudler, The Wharton School


Ethical Concerns Related to Monetary Policy

Colleen Baker, the Wharton School

Corporate Information Security, Consumer Data and Law

Andrea M. Matwyshyn, The Wharton School

The Ethical Dilemmas of Sustainable Development: is Eco-Tourism Really Sustainable?

Maya Perl-Kot, the Wharton School

Ethics and Political Economy of Government-owned Financial Funds

Martin E. Sandbu, The Wharton School

Economic Growth and Happiness: Reassessing the Easterlin Paradox

Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers, The Wharton School


Governance Issues Surrounding the Proliferation of Sovereign Wealth Funds 

Colleen Baker, The Wharton School (pg 253-271)

Business Ethics and Immigration: Conditions Faced by Undocumented Restaurant Workers

Crystalyn Calderón and Evelyn Nuñez, The Wharton School

Exploring the Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) Decision Process: When and How Do Expectations About Corporate Social Responsibility Affect the Decision to Engage in SRI?

Katherina Glac, The Wharton School

Global Business and Democracy

Nien-hê Hsieh, The Wharton School

Business and Peace: The Search for Justice in Transitional Economies

Tara J. Radin, The Wharton School

Direct Distribution as a Remedy for the Corrupting Effects of Economic Rent

Martin E. Sandbu, The Wharton School

Corporate Purpose and Rationality

Alan Strudler, The Wharton School

The Significance of “I” in ISCT

Tae Wan Kim, The Wharton School

Funded Publications


Pushback on the Right to Strike: Resisting the Thickening of Soft Law

Janice Bellace, Edward Elgar (2015 Forthcoming)

Embedding the ILO Core Conventions in the UN Guiding Principles: The Impact of Soft Law on Hard Law

Janice Bellace, Jagiellonian University Press. (2015 Forthcoming)

Corporate Piety and Impropriety: Hobby Lobby’s Extension of RFRA Rights to the For-Profit Corporation

Amy Sepinwall, Harvard Business Law Review (Spring 2015 Forthcoming)

Conscience and Complicity: Assessing Pleas for Religious Exemptions in Hobby Lobby’s Wake

Amy Sepinwall, U. Chi. L. Rev. (2015 Forthcoming)

Neural Correlates of Post-Conventional Moral Reasoning: A Voxel -Based Morphometry Study

Kristin Prehn, Mark Korczykowski, Hengyi Rao, Zhuo Fang, John A. Detre, Diana C. Robertson, PLOS One, 2015

Can For-Profit Corporations Be Good Citizens? Perspectives from Four Business Leaders

Nien-hê Hsieh, (2013) in Corporations and Citizenship (Greg Urban ed., University of Pennsylvania Press 2014).

Taxation and the Earnings of Husbands and Wives: Evidence from Sweden

Alexander Gelber, Review of Economics and Statistics (forthcoming 2014)

Earnings Adjustment Frictions: Evidence from the Social Security Earnings Test

Alexander Gelber, Damon Jones & Daniel Sacks, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 19491 (2013).

​Children’s Schooling and Parents’ Behavior: Evidence from the Head Start Impact Study

Alexander Gelber & Adam Isen, 101 Journal of Public Economics 25 (2013).

Responsibility, Repair and Redistribution in the Wake of the Financial Crisis

Amy Sepinwall, Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy (2013).

Righting Others’ Wrongs: A Critical Analysis of Clawback Suits in the Wake of Madoff-type Ponzi Schemes

Amy Sepinwall, 78 Brooklyn Law Review 1 (2012).

Equalizing Outcomes and Equalizing Opportunities: Optimal Taxation when Children’s Abilities Depend on Parents’ Resources

Alexander Gelber & Matthew Weinzierl, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 18332 (2012).

Stakeholder Duties: On the Moral Responsibility of Corporate Investors

Martin Sandbu, Journal of Business Ethics 109.1 (2012)

Workplace Civility: A Confucian Approach

Tae Wan Kim & Alan Strudler, 22 Business Ethics Quarterly No.3 (July 2012).

Work, Ownership and Productive Enfranchisement in Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond

Nien-hê Hsieh, (Martin O’Neill & Thad Williamson eds., John Wiley & Sons 2012).

Stakeholder Theory(ies): Ethical Ideas and Managerial Action

Alan Strudler, Ed Freeman, Gianfranco Rusconi & Silvana Signori, Journal of Business Ethics (Special Issue 2012).


Citizens United and the Ineluctable Question of Corporate Citizenship

Amy Sepinwall, Conn. L. Rev., 44, 2011.

Child Schooling and Parent Behavior: Evidence from the Head Start Impact Study

Alexander Gelber and Adam Isen, University of Pennsylvania Working Paper, 2011.

How do 401(k)s Affect Saving? Evidence from Changes in 401(k)s Eligibility

Alexander Gelber, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 3:4, 103-122, 2011

Guilty by Proxy: Expanding the Boundaries of Responsibility in the Face of Corporate Crime

Amy Sepinwall, Hastings Law Review, Vol. 63, 2011.

Multinational Enterprises and Corporate Responsibility: A Matter of Justice?

Nien-hê Hsieh, Morality and Global Justice: The Reader, Ed. Michael Boylan (Boulder: Westview Press), 2011.

Taxes and Time Allocation: Evidence from Single Women and Men

Alexander Gelber and Josua Mitchell, Review of Economic Studies, Doi: 10.1093/restud/rdr041, 2011.

The Distinctive Wrong in Lying

Alan Strudler, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2010.

An Economic and Ethical Approach to Charity and to Charity Endowments

John Core and Thomas Donaldson, Review of Social Economy, Vol. 68, No. 3, 2010.

New Directions in Legal Scholarship and Their Implications for Business Ethics Research

Alan Strudler, John Hasnas and Robert Prentice, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2010.

Hidden Engines of Destruction: The Reasonable Expectation of Code Safety and the Duty to Warn in Digital Products

Andrea Matwyshyn, 62, Florida Law Review 1, 2010.

Corporate Corruption and the Limits of Collective Action

William S. Laufer and Djorjija Petkoski, Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 88, Supplement 4, 2009.

CSR and the Corporate Cyborg: Ethical corporate Information Security Practices

Andrea Matwyshyn, Journal of Business Ethics,  Volume 88, Supplement 4, 2009.

Imagining the Intangible

Andrea Matwyshyn, 34, Del. J. Corp. L, 3, 2009.

Corporate Social Responsibility and the Priority of Shareholders

Nien-hê Hsieh, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 88, Supp. 4, 2009.

The Moral Problem in Insider Trading

Alan Strudler, in Beauchamp and Brenkert (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Business Ethics, 2009.

Does Global Business Have a Responsibility to Promote Just Institutions?

Nien-hê Hsieh, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 19, No. 2, 251-273, 2009.

Are Corruption Indices a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? A Social Labeling Perspective of Corruption

Danielle Warren and William Laufer, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 88, Issue 4 Supplement, 841-849, 2009

Justice in Production

Nien-hê Hsieh, Journal of Political Philosophy, Vol. 16, No. 1, 72-100, 2009.

Harboring Data: Law, Information Security and the Corporation

Andrea Matwyshyn (editor and contributor), Stanford University Press, 2009.

Justice at Work: Arguing for Property-Owning Democracy

Nien-hê Hsieh, Journal of Social Philosophy, Vol. 40, No. 3, 72-100, 397-411, 2009.

Axiomatic foundations for fairness-motivated preferences

Martin Sandbu, Social Choice and Welfare, Vol. 31, No. 4, 586-619, 2008.

Confucian Skepticism About Workplace Rights

Alan Strudler, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 18, No. 1, 67-84, 2008.

Perceptions of Deception: Making Sense of Responses To Employee Deceit

Karen A. Jehn and Elizabeth D. Scott, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 80, No. 2, 327-347, 2008.

Workplace Democracy, Workplace Republicanism, and Economic Democracy

Nien-hê Hsieh, Revue de Philosophie Economique, Vol. 9, No. 1, 57-78, 2008.

Economic Growth and Subjective Well-Being: Reassessing Easterlin Paradox

Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), 2008.

Justice in Production

Nien-hê Hsieh, The Journal of Political Philosophy, Vol. 16, No. 1, 72-100, 2008.

When Does National Identity Matter? Convergence and Divergence in International Business Ethics

Andrew Spicer and Wendy J. Bailey, The Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 50, No. 6, 1462-1480, 2007

Managers, Workers, and Authority

Nien-hê Hsieh, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 71, No. 4, 347-357, 2007.

Maximization, Incomparability, and Managerial Choice

Nien-hê Hsieh, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 17, No. 3, 441-447, 2007.

Is Incomparability a Problem for Anyone?

Nien-hê Hsieh, Economics and Philosophy, Vol. 23, No. 1, 65-80, 2007.

Law, Ethics, and Divergent Rhetoric

William S. Laufer, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 17, No. 3, 497-513, 2007.

Pairwise Comparison and Numbers Skepticism

Alan Strudler, Nien-hê Hsieh and David Wasserman, Utilitas, Vol. 19, No. 4, 487-504, 2007.

Corporate Bodies Guilty Minds: The Failure of Corporate Criminal Liability

William S. Laufer, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2006.

Do Firms with Unique Competencies For Rescuing Victims of Human Catastrophes Have Special Obligations? Corporate Responsibility and the Aids Catastrophe in Sub-Saharan Africa

Thomas W. Dunfee, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 2, 185-210, 2006.

Justice, Management and Governance

Nien-hê Hsieh, Corporate Governance, Vol. 6, No. 3, 119-135, 2006.

Natural Wealth Accounts: A Proposal for Alleviating the Natural Resource Curse

Martin Sandbu, World Development, Vol. 34, No. 7, 1153-1170, 2006.

Stakeholders and Sustainability: An argument for Responsible Corporate Decision-Making

Tara J. Radin and Martin Calkins, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 66, No. 2-3, 261-272, 2006.

The Numbers Problem

Alan Strudler, Nien-hê Hsieh and David Wasserman, Philosophy & Public Affairs, Vol. 34, No. 4, 352-372, 2006.

The Role of leaders in Democratic Deliberations

Martin E. Sandbu, Macartan Humpheries and William A. Master, World Politics, Vol 58. No. 4, 583-622, 2006.

The Struggle Against Sweatshops: Moving Toward Responsible Global Business

Tara J. Radin and Martin Calkins, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 36, No. 2-3, 261-272, 2006.

Voluntary Codes of Conduct for Multinational Corporations: Coordinating Duties of Rescue and Justice

Nien-hê Hsieh, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 2, 119-135, 2006.

Illusions of Compliance and Governance

William Laufer, Corporate Governance, Vol. 6 Issue 3, 239-249, 2006.

Hidden Engines of Destruction: The Reasonable Expectation of Code Safety and the Duty to Warn in Digital Products

Andrea M. Matwyshyn, Florida Law Review, Vol 62, No. 109, 2010

Promises and Lies: Restoring Violated Trust

Maurice E. Schweitzer, John C. Hershey, and Eric T. Bradlow, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 101.1 (2006): 1-19

Happiness Inequality in the United States

Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers. IZA Discussion Papers, No. 3624

Data Devolution: Corporate Information Security, Consumers, and Future of Regulation

Andrea M. Matwyshyn,  84 Chi.-Kent. L. Rev. 713 (2010)


Deception Unraveled

Alan Strudler, The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. CII, No. 9, 458-473, 2005.

Feeling and Believing: The Influence of Emotion on Trust

Jennifer R. Dunn and Maurice E. Schweitzer, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 88, No. 5, 736-748, 2005.

Land Hungry34

Georgette Chapman Poindexter, The Journal of Law & Politics, Vol. XXI, No. 2 & 3, Spring-Summer 2005.

Rawlsian Justice and Workplace Republicanism

Nien-hê Hsieh, Social Theory and Practice, Vol. 31, No. 1, 115-142, 2005.


Dan Hunter and F. Gregory Lastowka, 46 William and Mary Law Review, 951-1030, 2004.

Corruption as an Assurance Problem

Philip M. Nichols, 19 American University International Law Review, 2004.

Corruption as a Pan-Cultural Phenomenon: An Empirical Study in Countries at Opposite Ends of the Former Soviet Union

Philip M. Nichols, George J. Siedel and Matthew Kasdin, 39 Texas Journal of International Law, 215-256, 2004.

Does National Context Matter in Ethical Decision-Making?: An Empirical Test of Integrative Social Contracts Theory

Andrew Spicer, Thomas W. Dunfee and Wendy J. Bailey, Academy of Management Journal: 47, (4), 610-620, 2004.

The Obligations of Transnational Corporations: Rawlsian Justice and the Duty of Assistance

Nien-hê Hsieh, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 14, Issue 4, 643-661, 2004.

The Practicality of Pluralism: Redrawing the Simple Picture of Bipolarize and Compliance in Business Ethics

Johan Wempe and Thomas Donaldson, Corporate Integrity and Accountability, ed., G. G. Brenkert, 24-37, 2004.

Social Exchange in China: The Double-Edged Sword of Guanxi

Danielle Warren, Thomas W. Dunfee and Naihe Li, Journal of Business Ethics: 55 (4), 355-372, 2004.

Virtual Crimes

F. Gregory Lastowka and Dan Hunter, 49 New York Law School Law Review, 293-316, 2004.

About Face: How Employee Dishonesty Influences a Stakeholder’s Image of an Organization

Elizabeth D. Scott and K. Etty Jehn, Business & Society, Vol 42, Number 2, 234-266, 2003.

Choosing Equal Injustice

William S. Laufer and Nien-hê Hsieh, American Journal of Criminal Law, Vol. 30: 343-361, 2003.

Corporate Hypergoals, Sustainable Peace and the Adapted Firm

Thomas W. Dunfee and Timothy Fort, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 36:1637-1692, 2003.

Cyberspace as Place, and the Tragedy of the Digital Anticommons

Dan Hunter, California Law Review, 2003.

ICANN and the Concept of Democratic Deficit

Dan Hunter, Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, 2003.

Impossible, Impracticable or Just Expensive? Allocation of Expense of Ancillary Risk in the CMBS Market

Georgette Poindexter, 36 John Marshall Law Review, 2003.

The Global Compact Network: An Historic Experiment in Learning and Action

Georg Kell and David Levin, Business and Society Review. 108-2, 151-131, 2003.

The Laws of the Virtual Worlds

Dan Hunter, California Law Review, 2003.

Multiple Stakeholder Judgments of Employee Behaviors: A Contingent Prototype Model of Dishonesty

Elizabeth D. Scott and K. Etty Jehn, Journal of Business Ethics, 46(3), 2003.

Plane Truth: A Qualitative Study of Employee Dishonesty in the Airline Industry

Elizabeth D. Scott, Journal of Business Ethics, 42: 321-337, 2003.

Confronting Morality in Markets

Thomas W. Dunfee and Norman E. Bowie, Journal of Business Ethics, 38(4): 381-393, 2002.

Corporate Prosecution, Cooperation and the Trading of Favors

William S. Laufer, Iowa Law Review, 87: 123-150, 2002.

Negotiated Integrity: The Social Contracts of Business

Thomas Donaldson and Thomas W. Dunfee, The Ethics of Contracts and Other Promises, SMU Press, William F. May and Robbin Lovin, Editors, 2002.

The Ethical and Environmental Limits of Stakeholder Theory

Eric W. Orts and Alan Strudler, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 12, 215-233, 2002.

Trust in Institutions in Kazakhstan

Philip M. Nichols, Central Asian Journal of Management, Economics and Social Research, 3, 2002.

War and the Business Corporation

Eric W. Orts, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 35, 549-84, 2002.

Authority, Heuristics, and the Structure of Excuses

Alan Strudler and Danielle Warren, Social Influence and Ethics, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Publishers, 155-173, 2001.

Corporate Criminal Law, Cooperative Regulation and the Parting of Paths, Cahiers de Defense Sociale Bulletin of the International Society of Social Defense and Humane Criminal Policy

William S. Laufer and Gilbert Geis, 103-120, 2001.

Is Guanxi Ethical? A Normative Analysis of Doing Business in China

Thomas W. Dunfee and Danielle Warren, Journal of Business Ethics, 33: 191-204, 2001.

The Next Wave of Corporate Community Involvement

Thomas W. Dunfee, Nikolai Rogovsky and David Hess, California Management Review, 44(2) : 110-125, 2001.

The Fit Between Changes to the International Corruption Regime and Indigenous Perceptions of Corruption in Kazakhstan

Philip M. Nichols, University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law, 22: 863 to 973, 2001.

The Ethical Wealth of Nations

Thomas Donaldson, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 31, Number 1: 25-36, 2001.

Market-like Morality Within Organizations

Thomas W. Dunfee, Social Influence and Ethics, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Publishers,  217-233, 2001.

Are Business Managers “Professionals?”

Thomas Donaldson, Business Ethics Quarterly, 10(1): 2000.

Corporate Intentionality, Desert, and Variants of Strict Liability

William S. Laufer and Alan Strudler, American Criminal Law Review, 38, 2000.

Fighting Corruption: A Principled Approach, The C2 Principles (Combating Corruption)

David Hess and Thomas W. Dunfee, Cornell International Law Journal, 33(3), 2000.

The Legitimacy of Direct Corporate Humanitarian Investment

Thomas W. Dunfee and David Hess, Business Ethics Quarterly, 10(2): 2000.


Corporate Governance in a Market with Morality

Thomas W. Dunfee, Law and Contemporary Problems, Volume 62, No. 3, Summer 1999.

Corporate Liability, Risk Shifting, and the Paradox of Compliance

William S. Laufer, Vanderbilt Law Review, 52(5): (1999).

Extraterritorial Restriction of Bribery: A Premature Evocation of the Normative Global Village

Steven R. Salbu, Yale Journal of International Law, 24 (1): 223-255 (1999).

Moral Principle in the Law of Insider Trading

Alan Strudler & Eric W. Orts, Texas Law Review, 78(2): (1999).

Ranking Rank Behaviors: A Comprehensive Situation-Based Definition of Dishonesty

Elizabeth D. Scott & Karen A. Jehn, Business and Society, 38 (3): 296-325 (1999).

Regulating Transnational Bribery in times of Globalization and Fragmentation

Philip M. Nichols, Yale Journal of International Law, 24 (1): 257-303 (1999).

Social Contracts and Marketing Ethics

Thomas W. Dunfee, N. Craig Smith and William T. Ross, Journal of Marketing, 63: 14-32 (1999).

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act As a Threat to Global Harmony

Steven R. Salbu, Michigan Journal of International Law, 20 (3): 419-449 (1999).

When Ethics Travel: The Promise and Peril of Global Business Ethics

Thomas Donaldson & Thomas W. Dunfee, California Management Review, Vol. 41, No. 4, Summer 1999.

Incommensurable Goods, Rightful Lies and The Wrongness of Fraud

Alan Strudler, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 146 (5): 1529-1567 (1998).

Shirking and Sharking: A Legal Theory of the Firm

Eric W. Orts, Yale Law and Policy Review, 16 (2): 265-329 (1998).

Moral Complexity in the Law of Nondisclosure

Alan Strudler, UCLA Law Review, 45 (2): 337-384 (1997).

The Marketplace of Morality: First Steps Toward a Theory of Moral Choice

Thomas W. Dunfee, Business Ethics Quarterly, 8 (1): 127-145 (1998).

Cognitive Pathology and Moral Judgment in Management

Eleonora Curlo & Alan Strudler, Business Ethics Quarterly, 7(4): 27-39 (1997).

Faculty Leadership

Laufer William 300dpi 299x235


Julian Aresty Endowed Professor, Professor of Legal Studies & Business Ethics, Sociology, and Criminology
Faculty Co-Director, Zicklin Center for Governance and Business Ethics

Mae McDonnell 3760 2047


Bantwal Family Goldman Sachs Presidential Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Management
Faculty Co-Director, Zicklin Center for Governance and Business Ethics

Featured Faculty and Scholars

Aparajita Agarwal
Doctoral Student

Abby E. Albert
Assistant Professor of Health Care Management
Dorinda and Mark Winkelman Distinguished Faculty Scholar

Valentina A. Assenova
Edward B. and Shirley R. Shils Endowed Term Assistant Professor of Management
Govil Family Faculty Scholar, 2020-2021

Víctor Cabezas Albán
Doctoral Student

Mark DesJardine
Associate Professor of Business Administration, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

Harriet Jeon
Doctoral Student

Julian Jonker
Assistant Professor of Legal Studies & Business Ethics

Anne Kellers
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen

Judd B. Kessler
Howard Marks Professor

Saerom (Ronnie) Lee
Assistant Professor of Management

Ashley Litwin
Doctoral Student

Sasmira Matta
Doctoral Student

Ingrid Nembhard
Fishman Family President’s Distinguished Professor
Professor of Health Care Management
Professor of Management

Sophia Pink
Doctoral Student

Maurice Schweitzer
Cecilia Yen Koo Professor
Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions
Professor of Management

Hummy Song
Assistant Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions
Assistant Professor of Health Care Management

Ruochen Sun
Doctoral Student

Lynn Wu
Associate Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions

Tyler Wry
Associate Professor of Management

A Brief History 

Recognizing the emerging needs of its students and society at large, Wharton unified several centers, each with an extensive history of expertise in environmental, social, and governance topics, to form the ESG Initiative on July 1, 2022. The Zicklin Center brings 25 years of leading-edge research on critical topics in business, including ethical, governance, and compliance challenges.

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The ESG Initiative at the Wharton School