PennApps 2020 – Hack for Resilience

September 17, 2020 James Ballot,  Senior Advisor, Strategic Communications, Triple-I This post originally appeared on September 15th, 2020 on the Insurance Information Institute's blog. From Friday, September 11 to Sunday, September 13, the third annual the Hack-for-Resilience competition (“H4R”) was hosted by Wharton Risk Center and the Insurance Information Institute’s (“Triple-I”) Resilience Accelerator as part of the PennAppsXXIRead More

Uniting Disaster Risk Transfer with Sustainable Development: A Q&A with the World Bank Treasury

August 4th, 2020 Natural disasters and health related emergencies can cause significant economic and fiscal shocks for countries. Immediately after a catastrophic event, many countries receive short-term humanitarian assistance; and often they will also receive international financial aid for longer-term rebuilding.  But countries can struggle to fund the interim period,Read More