Flood Insurance in 25 Countries

At the time of this post, Marilyn was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Wharton Risk Center.

Flood insurance takes a variety of forms around the world. To complement ongoing discussions about flood insurance reform, the Wharton Risk Center developed an interactive flood insurance market e-platform as part of the Zurich Alliance to compare residential flood insurance markets in 25 countries.

Currently, there are five interactive maps on the platform:

  1. Role of private sector: categorizes the role of private insurance companies as administrators, primary insurers, or reinsurers
  2. Role of public sector (government): categorizes the role of national governments as guarantors, primary insurers, regulators, and/or reinsurers
  3. Purchase requirement: voluntary (for residents to purchase) vs. mandatory
  4. Single vs. bundled policies: describes whether flood insurance is offered as singular policy or bundled with other types of residential coverage
  5. User query: users can query and search specific flood insurance attributes derived from the above listed maps

We invite you to browse and query these maps at https://riskcenter.wharton.upenn.edu/flood-insurance-around-the-world/

For more information, see Atreya, A., S. Hanger, H. Kunreuther, J. Linnerooth-Bayer, and E. Michel-Kerjan (2015). A Comparison of Residential Flood Insurance Markets In 25 Countries. Working Paper.