Policy Incubator Receives Julio Castelo Matrán International Insurance Award

June 15, 2018 On June 14th, The Wharton Risk Center’s Policy Incubator received the Julio Castelo Matrán International Insurance Award from Fundación MAPFRE, a Madrid-based non-profit foundation committed to human well-being and social progress. Presented biennially, the €30,000 award recognizes projects that foster economic stability and solidarity through insurance and/orRead More

WSII and Good Capital Project launch Total Impact Portfolio Challenge

TIPC The ESG Initiative at the Wharton School News Wharton Social Impact Initiative and Good Capital Project launch Total Impact Portfolio Challenge The Good Capital Project, in collaboration with the Wharton Social Impact Initiative, is launching the Total Impact Portfolio Challenge – a competition to provide a hands-on opportunity for graduateRead More

The Importance of Accurate Flood Hazard Maps and Risk-Based Premiums

March 28, 2018 Howard Kunreuther and Marilyn Montgomery Accurate flood hazard maps are needed to set risk-based insurance premiums and to effectively communicate flood risk to families, communities, and other stakeholders. Insurance not only provides financial protection against flood damages, but can also incentivize property owners to undertake cost-effective mitigationRead More